Directed by Antshi von Moos

Production: Sonja Kilbertus, Hercli Bundi/Mira Film GmbH (Switzerland)

Feature Documentary (66 mins)

In the heart of Zurich, a female-led research team embarks on a mission, determined to unlock the chemical alchemy that makes plants bloom instantly. Meanwhile, Florianne Koechlin discovers that plants whisper in distinct dialects by releasing a cocktail of scents, while artists Gerda Steiner and Jörg Lenzlinger blur the line between the organic and the artificial, creating their visions inspired by their living, breathing garden. United by a passion for the plant world, these participants explore the communication between flora and insects and question and renew their own relationship with them. As new insights unfold, the question remains: how will these revelations be applied and affect our vulnerable ecosystems, that all living organisms share?